Monday, January 5, 2009

So now the gregorian new year is upon us and aside from the health issues, personally 2008 was a good year. Passed the first year of marriage (yeah that was quick), went to montreal twice, started hobbying around as a soul stealer and got back to my reading ways and finished about 25 books since february which other than grade school and required university reading was a personal best.

So the new year, well I was sick on the eve of until the NFL playoffs started on saturday (i swear it was a coincidence). Leafs beat the Sens on Saturday night and Canada made our little apartment go loco on saturday night. The colts lost so I wasn't too happy about that but the Iggles won on saturday so i cheered up pretty quickly. I was sad to miss the new years party at Heather's, i was really looking forward to seeing some people I haven't seen in some time, but I'm glad my wife represented LP304 (what what) at the gathering. Heather, Jason and Nam, I hope to see you guys soon, if at the latest during this year's Superbowl festivities at CasaHash Feb 1 2009.

Lots of things to look forward to during this new year. Mostly looking at ways of self-improvement through exercise and running (up to 20 mins non-stop on the treadmill at 5.0 speed, so i'm thrilled about that). Also improving my meals, and control of willpower and my tendency to self-destruct by smoking, laziness, significant anger at insignificant events, chocolate binging, television over consumption and late nights without a purpose (mostly from television over consumption).

I've got the opening two sentences down (in my head) for that elusive novel I keep promising myself and the universe I'm going to write one day, so that is a start and better than no start at all. I'm not sharing it yet because I believe I will jinx myself and cause thereby causing a violent reversal of new years promises by actively enabling my aforementioned tendency to self-destruct.

Other than that plans for the new year include going to ottawa and to montreal (again) taking some time off in February, trying to watch some more movies and to Emily's great happiness getting a cat in this new year (ONLY ONE DAMNIT OR I RENEG ON THIS AGREEMENT).

So with that short message relayed, thanks all for your support, friendship, love and most tolerance in the past year and I hope we sustain our ties in this new year. Happy new year everyone and hope to see or speak to y'all soon.

p.s. waljee and nerf we have tried calling your damn number and some robot woman tells us it is out of service after about 3 rings. What's up? How are you guys? You is the volatile Mid-East? Things ok? Drop a line, let us know and Waljee goddamnit update the blog, it's been awhile. No excuses, only effort kid. Please let us know how you are and if you went to Paris for deedar, how that was (well mostly how paris was at this time of year).

peacelovefreedomjustice (one love to palestine, it breaks my heart)


"this has been a transmission from the freecity."

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