At work far very slow day. As of this moment 6 hours to go and last night I decided that if I was faced with a long stretch of time at work today I would post something about myself. This then is a variation on all those e-mails that ask you questions about yourself like do your wear boxers or briefs, do you prefer long walks or drives blah blah blah. I'm going to change this a bit and list a top 50 favourite things. Now I'm starting with a presumed goal of 50 though this could get out of hand real quick and it might end up being 264 or something like that. Some of the questions i already posed to myself last night, others i will just pose to myself as I go along, so yes this will be a meandering rambling post that is surely going to stall at points while i digress on topics.
Before i start however, i have a new nickname for the duration of my ankle injury. I was going between hop-along, hoppity and even Dr. House. I've settled on a moniker bequeathed to me by the mrs. so for the immediate future i will now be hobbles. Hobbles Hashmani. It rocks yo.
And begin...
- Favourite Band - Nirvana
- Favourite Band other than Nirvana - Toss up between Pearl Jam & Radiohead
- Favourite Sports Team - Toronto Maple Laughs I MEAN LEAFS!!! (i joke, i kid)
- Favourite Toronto Borough - The Mighty East York
- Favourite City other than hometown - Ville Marie more commonly know as Montréal
- Favourite Restaurant - Another Toss up -> Morty's Pub in Waterloo, The Yellow Griffin Pub in West Toronto (Etobicoke) and L'Avenue in Montréal
- Favourite Food - Suicide Wings
- Favourite Beverage - Toronto tap water, water in general
- Favourite Beer - Bottle = Molson Dry, Pint = Waterloo Dark
- Favourite Alcoholic Beverage - Scotch (Red wine a close second)
- Favourite Kitchen Appliance - Coffee Press
- Favourite Caffeinated Drink - Coffee, strong coffee taken black
- Favourite fruit - Apple
- Favourite Vegetable - Pickle
- Favourite 3 topping pizza - Banana peppers, pineapple and green olives
- Favourite 2 slice bread sandwich - peanut butter and pickles (see told you i'm crazy)
- Favourite Song - After much deliberation on this one and if at gunpoint I was asked to name one song, it would have be yellow ledbetter. No song I think has meant more to me when i think about it. I quote the song incessantly, lines from it constantly march through my head, I hear the drum fills, the guitar solos all the time. A lot of my outlook on life was shaped by the lyrics (or at least the accepted transcription of the lyrics) and the little moments in the song like when Eddie says "make me cry" and the guitar solo kicks in or when he says "on a weekend i wanna wish it all away" stick to my insides something beautiful. The little falsetto Eddie does at the end when he sings "I don't wanna stay" circles in my brain all the time. It is one of those rare pieces of art you wish you had truly done yourself and are a little jealous of. I wish I had wrote that so bad and yet I'm so happy I've heard that song. Just real pretty and real sad, the way I like my music. Damnnit now it got stuck in my head again, though this isn't a bad thing.
- Favourite Instrument - Toss up between electric guitar and the violin...nothing breaks me like long sustained notes from either of the instruments.
- Favourite Movie - Waking Life
- Favourite Animated Movie - without counting waking life, South Park
- Favourite Street - Victoria Park
- Favourite Bus Route - 34 Eglinton East from Eglinton to Kennedy or Kennedy to Eglinton
- Favourite Streetcar route - 504 King Car
- Favourite Book - Toss up again --> One Hundred Years of Solitude, Midnight's Children, The Catcher in the Rye, 1984, l'étranger, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, The Grapes of Wrath
- Favourite Poet - Toss Up between Walt Whitman and W.B. Yeats
- Favourite Poem - The Moving Finger by Omar Khyyam
- Favourite Rapper - All Time = Biggie Smalls, Current = K'naan
- Favourite Video Game System - Xbox 360
- Favourite Daily Newspaper - The Toronto Star
- Favourite Clothing Apparel - Once upon a long time ago I would have said jeans. I love jeans, but lately over I guess the last few years I love hats. Love 'Em. Even though I have long hair and some hats look crazystupid on me, I still dig hats. So I would have to say hats are my favourite apparel, with my blue Timberland fishing cap and my Toronto Maple Leaf pompom toque taking top honours.
- Favourite High School Subject - English
- Favourite University Course - Toss up between Race and English Literature with Dr. Easton and Post Colonial Literature 1&2 with Dr. Smyth
- Favourite Footwear - Sandals or my Homer Simpson slippers
- Favourite Upper Body Clothing - Hoodie
- Favourite time of day - Twilight/dusk
- Favourite Season - Fall
- Favourite sound - Rain
- Favourite whim of Mother Nature - Thunderstorms
- Favourite video game - There are many so by category then: Sports = NHL 94/09, RPG = Kingdom Hearts, Fighting = Marvel Vs. Street Fighter, FPS = Gears of War, Puzzle = Lumines PSP, Racing = Cruisin' USA arcade, Sandbox = GTA IV, Platform = SuperMario3 & Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Beat 'Em Up = TMNT arcade
- Favourite type of food - whatever western/canadian/american is...y'know things like hamburgers, hot dogs, simple pasta's with meat sauce, pizza etc...
- Favourite Bar - Morty's Pub
- Favourite walking spot - Anywhere on the Bruce Trail
- Favourite city/town/hamlet/settlement in Ontario not named Toronto - Goderich
- Favourite play - Hamlet by Shakespeare & Endgame by Samuel Beckett
- Favourite Commercial Pizza Chain - Pizza Hut hands down
- Favourite Pizza - Deep Dish Pizza from PIzzeria Uno in Chicago
- Favourite Concert - Toss up between Pearl Jam @ the ACC all those years ago (is this crazy mary jason?) and the Roots at the Guvernment
- Favourite Vice - Smoking
- Favourite Number(s) - 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 & 42 (wink wink)...if forced to choose one number then 15. Or 6.
- Favourite trilogy - The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy trilogy of 5 (narrowly beating out the Matrix trilogy)
- Favourite TV show - All time = The Simpsons, Current = Lost
- Favourite TV character - Animated = Bart Simpson, Live = Sawyer from Lost, Marlo Stanfield, Stringer Bell, Avon Barksdale & Omar Little from The Wire
- Favourite Soda Pop - Dr. Pepper
- Favourite Chocolate/Candy Bar - Skor
- Favourite Chips - Hostess Ketchup or PC Buffalo Wings & Blue Cheese
- Favourite Ninja Turtle - Michaelangelo
- Favourite Ghost Buster - Egon
- Favourite Charity - Aga Khan Foundation
- Favourite Cuss Word - Fuck
- Favourite Accessory - Wedding Ring
- Favourite Album Title - Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness
- Favourite Non Maple Sport to Watch on TV - NFL Football
- Favourite Sports Position - Quarterback
- Favourite EPL team - Arsenal
- Favourite Sleep Aid - My Baby Blanket...yes i still have, yes i still use it, no i don't care
- Favourite Over the Counter Medicine - NeoCitron (tea for sick people, close second is any variation of Robaxacet)
- Favourite News Show - CBC Newsworld
- Favourite Girl Part - Breasts hands down. Nice Legs too are wicked
- Favourite personal feature - My hair. It so rocks. Glorious in fact.
- Favourite prayer - Nadi Ali
- Favourite Ginan - Maal Khajeena Bohotaj Bhareeyaa
- Favourite Hymn - Amazing Grace
- Favourite Skyline - Toronto, duh
- Favourite Radio Station - The Fan590
- Favourite Classical Composer - Chopin
- Favourite Highway - DVP/ when there is little or flowing traffic, there is nothing like the turns, bends and winding portions of the parkway/expressway. It's fun to drive, to take the corners and come up on the city as it just pops up and stretches out before you. Fucking cool.
- Favourite Toy from youth - Transformers Command Centre
- Favourite Colour - not a colour guy, i like shades and black is the favourite. If forced to pick a colour then electric blue.
- Favourite friend - Wife and Brother (see how i try to trick myself and get me into trouble...oh Hobbles you severely strange man)
- Favourite Tea - Chai
- Favourite Mall - Scarborough Town Centre
- Favourite Commercial Bookstore - Indigo/Chapters @ Yonge/Eglinton
- Favourite Used Bookstore - BMV @ Yonge/Eglinton & Seekers Used Books 509 Bloor Street West (Bloor & Bathurst)
- Favourite Actor - Ed Norton (close second would be Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington & Brad Pitt)
- Favourite Director - Quentin Tarantino & Richard Linklater
- Favourite Actress - Keira Knightley
- Favourite Star Wars Character - R2D2
- Favourite Cinema - Beaches Theatre
- Favourite Stage - Soulpepper
- Favourite OLGC game - ProLine Pro Picks
- Favourite Type of Red Wine - Shiraz
- Favourite Type of White Wine - Pinot Grigot
- Favourite Stand Up Comedy - Eddie Murphy Delirious
- Favourite Comedian - Dave Chappelle...his body of work holds up well better than anyone else's and he is consistently pee your pants funny.
- Favourite Comic - Sandman Series (Preacher is a very very close second is this might very well become interchangeable in the coming years)
- Favourite Comic Character - Marvel = Gambit DC = Morpheus of Dream, Cassidy and Jesse Custer
- Favourite Fast Food - I don't eat fast food other than subway, mr.sub and popeyes. But if forced to choose I would say Burger King because there really is nothing like a well made whopper with cheese or their chicken sandwiches.
- Favourite Fast Food Side - Old School McDonalds Fries with enough salt to create a replica of Lot's wife (remember when they used to actually salt the fries???) and a buttermilk biscuit from popeyes.
- Favourite Toronto Park - Sunnybrook
- Favourite Grocery Store - Sobey's in Waterloo @ Columbia & Fischer-Hallman
- Favourite Sports Logo - Old Toronto Maple Leaf insignia, the 36 point leaf
- Favourite Harry Potter Movie - Azkaban
- Favourite Lord of the Rings Movie - Two Towers
- Favourite Canadian band - If K'naan and his posse doesn't count then Arcade Fire
- Favourite Musical Artist not named Kurt Cobain - Bob Marley
- Favourite Comic Villain - Marvel = Magneto DC = Saint of Killers
- Favourite Bird - Phoenix
- Favourite Bird that actually exists (or existed without mythological emphasis) - Hawk
- Favourite Animal -'s pretty much my favourite animal and just might have skills in magic. Seriously, yes a liger would be my favourite even though i have never see one.
- favourite of the 5 senses - sight
- Favourite hobby - All Time = Reading Current = stealing souls
- Favourite sandwich topping - Mayonaise
- Favourite Salad Dressing - Blue Cheese
- Favourite Play -by - Play Announcer - Jim Hughson
- Favourite Online Retailer - BUT mostly their used book/media section where amazon acts as broker and you buy directly from other people.
- Favourite clothing on a girl - Skirt (close second is a Tank Top & also now that i think of it a really well filled out sweater)
- Favourite Cologne - Burberry
- Favourite juice - Carrot and also StrawberryMango from middle eastern restaurants
- Favourite Shwarma place - Maroush in downtown ottawa and Mubarak in London, ont
- Favourite Gyro - Square boy or Messini's
- Favourite Board Game - Chess
- Favourite Political Philosophy - Du Contract Social & of the course The Communist Manifesto
- Favourite of the 99 names - Al Muqtadir
- Favourite Brand - Johnny Walker
- Favourite Cover - Where Did You Sleep Last Night
- Favourite Nickname - Scatterbrain Saff
- Favourite Comic Strip - Toss up between Calvin & Hobbes and The Boondocks
- Favourite Accent - British
- Favourite Language - Le French
So there you have it kids, those are some of my favourite things. Don't you feel enlightened and like you know me, the great Genie-S better? Well i hope you do. I certainly learned something today, which is mostly that a 9:30 to 6 shift really sucks on a Saturday but is made bearable knowing i wrote a meandering blog post on the public dime. Cheers to me.
-s a.k.a Hobbles
"This has been a retrieved consumer survey from within the free city"
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