Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Sinister Link

that article up there got me much do I rely on my handedness in my decisions? For starters as long as i can remember if I was ever picking a hand that held a prize, I almost always picked left...the times i picked right were only because i though that whomever was playing the game with me had figured out i'll always go left or someone else already picked left knowing it would be the hand i would covet...

Aside from politics which I am quite decidedly to the left through i hope no reliance on my handedness, i started thinking about the whole left/right thing and came up with this.

  1. Bat left and right though better at batting right
  2. Thrown right for baseball (left is ok but right is preferable), left for football
  3. Write left handed
  4. bite the nails on my left hand first
  5. when crossing the street I look left first almost always
  6. Box left
  7. mouse navigate right because I learned that way first and the left handed mouse seems abnormally awkward.
  8. Usually i put my pants on left leg first, socks on left leg first and left show on first
  9. i only ever sprain my left ankle (3 times in the past year alone)
  10. smoke with my left hand
  11. dial with my left hand, on my left shoulder
  12. my shoulder strap on my bag defaults to left shoulder until it hurts
  13. chop vegetables and meat with my left hand
  14. stir with my left hand until it gets tired
  15. put my right contact lens in first
  16. drive primarily with my left hand, right hand driving feels so wrong
  17. middle finger salute primarily with my right hand

so reading that article made me think that i would almost certainly pick any Fribble on the left side and say it is more beautiful or when comparing anything I would bias towards the left side...kinda weird and wonderfully fascinating since i really don't understand you righties and think everyone but me and a few people look terribly odd when they any of you do anything left handed if you are right handed? (and vice versa as well)

one last quick day when I cut off my hair, wear contact lenses and shave my beard, do you think they'll let me into the country again if i'm anywhere abroad? This government doesn't frighten me as much as appall me with the indifference (so be sweet about it) to outright disregard and slander (to be frank about it) towards coloured born outside of Canada parents are on a trip right now and I can only hope that they look like their passport photos and that the normal laws governing changing appearance relative to time passing do not exclude them from being the acceptable citizenry this country at this moment seems hell bent on preserving while stranding and disenfranchising anyone else. Is it just me or do they want every coloured person to feel like being a Canadian is more a privilege for them than others rather than a right conferred by birth or right conferred by earning the designation? and most importantly why aren't we any angrier? remember it starts with us, the darker ones and eventually they will find a reason to exclude any one who doesn't toe the line or clear their thoughts with the PMO...



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