Here is the second part...I begin with a rhetorical and then self-answered question...
is there any more hypocritical an entity as a Professional Sports League??? Discounting the Mass Media and Government (whose sole purpose it seems is to deceive through chicanery), I don't believe so.
The big 4 in North America (NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA) are as adept as the media and government at such extremes of hypocrisy that it gets astounding from time to time. Sometimes you think you have it figured out then all of a sudden something new happens to restrict freedom and all of a sudden you pull back and are like "Really? that really fucking happened? WOW!"
As I have bemoaned many many times, we live within a laissez-faire system of capitalism in the West. Our businesses and interactions are largely governed by the overall capitalist apparatus and whether we agree or not I believe that we should expect the overall machine to adapt itself towards the capitalist model.
Sports however feels different it seems. Here is where the large hypocrisy looms overhead. I put forth that aside from the MLB, the NFL, NBA and NHL are in fact not capitalist enterprises but rather communist entities centred around a dictatorship style of governance.
How is this possible? These are billion dollar profit machines with the uber rich the super ultra rich using them as playgrounds and toys for their amusement. How do individual capitalists become then singular communist entities?
Salary Cap.
Surprisingly players unions in these leagues, themselves in general the results of socialist/communist movements against the bourgeoisie control of labour, are staunch opponents of Salary Caps. However the leagues insist that caps are necessary in order to let "small" market teams compete with "large" market teams...
Restricting competition in favour of those who cannot or have not? A dead Lenin snickers somewhere in the dust.
It is argued that the state must impose rules, often very stringent rules regarding the dress of their players and behaviours of their employees to ensure that the "image" of the respective leagues is upheld...
Mandatory dress codes, curbing of speech and restricting "unsavoury" behaviour? A dead Trotsky grins in the dust
There are numerous examples of leagues acting in communist fashion in order maximize capitalist profits. The NFL is the greatest of these transgressors. For a league that so wholly identifies itself with America and her ideals, to be so blatantly StalinRed is laughable and slightly frightening. They have in the NFL something called blackouts. It works like this. Let's say the Buffalo Bills cannot sell X number of seats before a certain cut-off date for a specific home game. To encourage fans being gouged at the stadium, the NFL will then blackout the home game in the home market radius (Canada not included) so that the only people who see are those in attendance at the game and to encourage fans to buy more tickets so people at home can eventually watch a game on tv. Even if you have DirectTV, blackout games cannot be watched.
Score one for censorship!
All leagues have dress codes and hell many small businesses have them as well. Cool. Its when the codes becomes so cumbersome that it begins to bother me. A few years ago David Stern, comish of the NBA decided that all players had to dress at minimum business casual when not playing and at the games with their team. This in large part prevents players from dressing like black people. What they should be worried about is not the image on the court-side for injured players, but what players do in the public spotlight as that is where NBA brand image is tarnished the most.
The NFL only allows players to wear specific clothing on the field. It must be from their sponsors...No New Balance shoes, Reebok and Nike only. Appallingly draconian, but no better way to whip the slaves then by restricting their freedom in the name of the greater good of brand image.
Lastly, since this is Canada, the NHL deems that certain markets are untouchable. While they deny this publicly, is there any doubt that blocking Balsille's bid for the Coyotes is anything but protecting the Southern Ontario market for the Leafs? So the NHL controls who can be an owner (this may become nullified in a few short weeks) and when Balsille publicly stated he wanted to buy and move the penguins in 2006, the NHL gave him 45 page contract saying that he could not move the team. So he pulled out.
But they don't have that right. Al Davis beat the NFL at a similar game in the 70's over relocation. A business owner has the right to move his business if he/she sees fit. To ensure maximum profitability, a tenet of capitalist society, individual charged with the operating of the business, most usually the owner since it is their money being primarily being invested in the enterprise, has the right to do as they see fit with their establishment. If they want to charge $12 for beer, so be it, if people pay for it than that is what will happen. If they want to serve shit sandwiches with a cup of pee and a side of zit puss, they can do so. THey would be crack crazy if they did that but it is their business to ruin or make a success.
See that last comment, while vile, does something that the NHL is trying so very hard to ignore for the time being and what the phoenix area ignores entirely. The one absolute cardinal rule of capitalism is that the marketplace determines everything. If people want to eat poo and drink pee, their will be a price on it and a marketplace will emerge to serve that interest. The marketplace for hockey in the great senior citizen and college state of Arizona has long been exhausted. In fact moving to Phoenix I cannot even fathom that a marketplace ever really existed outside of illusion and fantasy. Moving the team to Phoenix from Winnipeg is colossally stupid move (hindsight be damned any one who ever wore an extra layer of clothing in the early fall can discern this) akin to ordering beer in Mecca. It has been amply determined that the marketplace for hockey is as follows: Canadian, cold weather cities that have seen white christmases, large cities where discretionary spending can be spent on hockey (think L.A. not cold but lots of money and people you are eventually able to convince 12,000 people to show up). A team in SWOnt is not just logical but would increase league revenues, attendance, create rivalries and so on and so forth.
and there i went and ranted again. oops!
so to end I leave you all with a link, which are some of the ludicrous rules (and some merited for safety purposes) the NFL imposes. In a society where we worship the cult of the individual, it is sad that the one instance of collectivism we allow is through the dictatorship of professional sports leagues.
We are witness to a country having such a hard time mandating a social health-care system, that is really fashion a parity system similar to sports leagues, yet one is decried as unconstitutional and communist and the other is cheered for every Saturday night and Sunday afternoon for saving "little guy" franchises.
Fucking Americans. Hell, Fucking human beings for all that's worth.
peacelove freedom justice