Saw the french debates last night. Hate the new format of having the leaders sit at a round table instead of at a podium. Looks too comfortable and amiable and this is federal debate for the highest elected office in the country. You need to be standing to deliver a message, not sitting around like it's a coffee break.
I gained some respect for Dion last night. That isn't saying much since I had about zero to -10 respect for him before. He was feisty when he needed to be and showed some anger at points. In fact all leaders did except for stephen who was calm and cool as per his usual elitist self. Now Dion didn't do anything extraordinary, he did however show some fire in his responses and retorts. About damn time. There were moments when he stuttered in French and this won't help him in the Anglo debates tonight. He already comes off in the press as being flighty and scared and stumbles and stutters, no matter how passionate and sensible the ideas always plays like someone scared and a fool with no ground to stand on.
Stephen never looked at the camera. He just kept looking down at the table or at his lap, never really bothering to look at the camera which in effect represents the eyes of the Canadian public. As always there was an arrogance in his manner that is startling and his responses were so completely blasé. He knows he is going to win and he is approaching this whole election charade as so. From where he stands, good for him...bad for us but good for him. This is his election to lose and so far he has done enough to win and need not be concerned about anything until someone goes for his political throat and calls him out properly and soundly.
If you however want to know how stephen is trying his level best to americanize this country, you need look no further than his left suit coat lapel. On it was a nice Canadian flag pin. Eerily reminiscent of those american flag pins that have showed up after september 11th 2001. Remember how obama was roundly chastised by the american press and punditry for not wearing a flag pin and was eventually forced to wear one to confirm his loyalty and patriotism to the united states? So stephen is playing the same symbol card. He wears a flag on his person, therefore he is the most patriotic and best suited to lead the country.
My dear friends, it is one thing to wear a ornamental flag pin on your clothing. It is quite another to carry that flag in your heart. stephen, i fear has never had the honour or privilege of experiencing the latter.
"This has been a non-paid political observation from within the Free City."
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