first off, happy belated birthday nick..hope your japanimated life is going well and that your shortened trip still went strong...
secondly folks, I caved...
well more leaped sans blindfold, gleefully and without umbrella onto the mac Express
just got a macbook pro...what a beautiful machine...this is how computing should work if you aren't some hacker but a just an ornery computer user...soooo awesome
that being said, this segues into my other, long-standing and almost resolved emotions regarding my windows pc...
i fucking hate you pc. you suck. you stall. you piss on my happiness. you stall. you reboot without even the courtesy of warning me. you fry your own motherboard just to hear her scream. you decide that the windows i've been using for 2.5 years is no longer a genuine copy. you stall. you have trouble getting up in the morning or really at any point during the day and no combination of rest, doctoring and cleaning satisfies you. your idea of peak level operation is being on for 6 hours before crashing. you stall. you make me want to smoke cigarettes and then perhaps share cigarettes with you so you too can feel what's it's like to die slowly. you make me hate yelling and cursing. you stall. you are happy when i'm miserable and just when i think i can quit you, you come act nice for a few days or a week then inevitably you stall. you seem to have a knack for contracting various ITD's (internetally transmitted diseases) which of course force you to stall. I give you the best protection money can buy only to have you take it off right before you...well you get it...then you stall. I agree some of those diseases are my fault. I've take you to some pretty seedy places and left you alone there at the mercy of cyberspace dregs. You know i am sorry for this. I have a problem. I need to download. Mostly TV and music but still. That doesn't mean you should punish me, we were supposed to be a team, going through life together, your powercord wrapped between my fingers, happily skipping our way across the matrix in search of information and data.
But no you had to shatter that dream quite early on. i hate you. that's not to say i won't ever say hello to you again, i will. But now i am going to use you like you used me. all bets are off. Those seedy places we used to go to? i just sold your ass to them. I don't even care what you come back with. I will clean you once more, last time soon enough and then you're on your own navigating the personal (computernal?) hell i have designed for you. I will have you working harder than a jarvis street hooker on the first of the month. I have a new girlfriend now, she's much better and shinier, much more fun to play with, talk to and caress. After only 3 days, i'm ready to marry her. Will I abuse her, no doubt, but for now, she takes and asks for more, something you never could quite get used to. So fare thee well madame pc, i'm a mac user now, a convert and disciple. Rot in dust PC.
and on that note i also did something i never thought i would do, which is download the new Pearl Jam album without paying for it. I had to. I wasn't paying a store for this one nor the band. Now why wouldn't I pay the band considering I have bought stuff from them before? Simple they want me to get a tenclub membership before i can purchase the album from their website.
Well piss off. I'm not paying $20 to get news i can get on the internet and some christmas single, then paying 13.99US for an album. I just saw you in concert a month ago. I have bought all the other albums (except the 200 authorized bootlegs you released a few moons back) before. We're even. If I can buy the album from you directly I will, no hesitation Since I can't, I won't, and that loyal readers is that.
p.s. waljee thanks for the blog update, now please be consistent. Good talking/chatting with you on the weekend.