I have no idea of the e-mail address that Nick uses and since i'm so socially useless and terribly hermetic, I lose touch often and these machines are often the only way I communicate with those folks I wish to share my felicity (and hopefully in return) garner theirs.
In that regard, i feel an update is due, though how much to update is not much at all, but a general state of the federation (the inner canuck shines through again) is embarked upon...
les chats are doing well, we got them high with catnip yesterday and they flipped out went nuts and were tons of fun to watch...i want to do this much more often...it is so cool...they are growing at a tremendous pace though they are still mentally kittens. Le boy (henri) is a psycho and well pretty much a boy - troublesome, curious, severe disregard for authority and very emotionally demanding but only on his terms...he's funny as hell especially when he meows at the door, at grocery bags, the invisible air...on Friday I brought my bike upstairs to install something on it and he just circled that thing for minutes on end, inspecting it and meowing at it, really showing it who the cat is, telling the whole world just who the cat is...territorial, I'm just glad he hasn't pissed on anything yet...
Anabelle is still skittish, scared of life and generally everything in her path unless she can dictate its outcome. In short she is a girl, timid, shy, loving, emotionally demanding and then emotionally distant after she has gotten whatever she needed. She naps a whole lot and loves to bake in the sun. The catnip however might have altered her brain chemistry, today she tried to bolt out of the house as I was leaving and Em told me she was meowing at the door this morning à la henri this morning. She's curious, though in her own way...yesterday she inspected the mop I was throwing out for a while, stalking it (it wa placed against a wall), walking around it, sniffing it, going away and returning from another angle, doing the whole thing again, then reaching a tentative paw out to see if it would attack. Once she was satisfied she went somewhere to take a nap.
cats are fucking crazy.
in personal news, this month I am on a Cleanse!!! yeah I know hokey and silly but hey I feel friggin' great right now, but I do get hungry. There is one fast day per week, where you just drink a solution and water and have six pieces of this special chocolate for protein and to reduce hunger. In general I feel better, though I suspect this is partly a mental thing since I committed to fully to this idea of a cleanse and healthier lifestyle. The goal of this whole thing is to lose some weight (so i can look even more fantabulous), get my energy up, rid some toxins from my body and kick start quitting smoking cigarettes. Unfortunately this also means that this month (until June 12th) there has been no drinking alcohol and no blazing the cheeba, which kinda sucks, but to be honest it is nice to be clear for a little bit, refocus and redirect my energy.
still running, am able to do about 3.5 k in 23 mins which is damn slow but an improvement. Ems and I also started biking last week and that is going phenomenally well and I forgot how much fun not only biking is, but how fun motion through human power is. It is something indescribable to push and move and be a force through simple human exertion, human movement, human energy and its such a fun fun way to see the city, enjoy the summer air, wind and I find such a useful use of my own time to be doing something to nurture my own potential as a human being...I swear I'm falling in love with my legs, I haven't felt this good since I was a kid riding bikes with my dad and brother at Dentonia Park and Secord elementary school.
So that's that...for now...hope tom update soon again...waljee/nerf can't wait to see you guys soon at HOME and let's plan that trip to Montréal (cause I need to book days at work, they get antsy). Everyone, please drop me a line to let me know how you alls are doing and what the what...take it easy kids.
(p.s. if you want to see what I've been reading just to shoot the literary shit, here is a shameless plug for my own superior reading and intellectual skills, just check out the entries labelled Bibliophilia, anytime anyone wants to talk books, I am so so down).
"let you red heart soar" - Hey Rosetta!